Jan Soderlund

Jan Soderlund

NA  74 years old
I'm just another guy who late in life start to do crazy things like buying a YAMAHA Dealership in Africa and that way got back to riding bikes and trough that got the opportunity to go on a once-in-a-lifetime-adventure. Not that I know of another idiot with the same, call it luck or stupidity, like me but who knows in this crazy world we live in. I come from a little town in Southern Finland, pretty much on latitude 60 where summer is short and intensive and winters long and pretty boring, especially now a days when the winters are more and more unpredictable. I still keep in close contact with my roots and go sailing the wonderful waters of the Baltic every summer on my beloved s/s Wait n' Sea. I have extensively travelled the world, mostly on business, in my "previous life" but never in South America except for one day in Caracas, Venezuela. That's one reason why I'm eager to get going!


On a YAMAHA Super Tenere from Cartagena to Buenos Aires in 2015.